Under normal circumstances, ticket sales account for only a portion of the costs of sustaining a vibrant theatre. The generosity of individual donors and corporate sponsors has been critical to the success of the Grand OnStage program in recent years and the support of the community now is more critical than ever.
The support of donors and sponsors will also help to ensure the future continuation of the Grand Onstage school performances and the Municipal Fee Assistance Program Ticket Fund.
One-time and monthly contributions to support Grand OnStage, Grand OnStage School performances, and the Municipal Fee Assistance Program Ticket Fund can be made online here.
Donations can also be made by phone through Kingston Grand Theatre Box Office at 613-530-2050.
If you prefer to mail a cheque, please make the cheque payable to Kingston Grand Theatre, and mail it to:
Kingston Grand Theatre, 218 Princess Street, Kingston ON K7L 1B2
Income tax receipts will be issued for all donations over $20.
From the 2024-2025 Season
Grand OnStage Fund
Simon Baron
Jayson and Jessica Duggan
Robert McKenzie
Gordon Simons
In Memory of Heather Wiginton
Grand OnStage School Performances Fund
David Barker
Alyse Boltman
Jim Boyce
Craig Cameron
Lana Cassidy
Lauralee Cochrane
Maurice Corey
Angela Courneya
Shirley Coyle
Elizabeth Duffin
Brenda Feely
John Gosbee
Margaret Griffith
Wayne Halstead
Kate Holzschuh
Minnan Hu
D. Jean Hutchinson
Margie Katz
Penny Kavanagh
Joshua Keir
Roderick Macdonnell
Lauren Brooke Mackinnon
Matthew Gventer & Marilyn Birmingham
Kelsey Mclaughlin
Douglas & Michelle McNichol
Barb Mulder
Lynda Novakowski
Janet Olner
Nikkoel Ozer
Ishita Pande
Allan Park
Peter Payan
Stephen Rayner
Lorraine Schmidt
David Skeaff
April Stephenson
Cristine Thor
And our thanks to all of the patrons who rounded up their ticket purchase at the box office.
Grand OnStage Performance Sponsors
Walter Fenlon and Linda Ann Daly
Chez Piggy and Pan Chancho
Cataraqui Cabinets
Caldwell Wealth & Estate Advisory
Grand OnStage Exclusive School Performance Sponsor
For more information or to make your own commitment to support, please contact:
Julie Fossitt
Phone: 613-546-4291 ext. 1143
E-mail: jfossitt@cityofkingston.ca