comedy duo, one has a pot on as a hat, the other their hair covered in spaghetti
2 Live Queers - Improv Comedy Duo

2 Live Queers - Improv Comedy Duo are back at The Baby Grand for a 2 SHOW WEEKEND!!

Make a night of it on Saturday, September 17th at 7:30pm or maybe you want some mid-afternoon laughs? 2LQ are also performing on Sunday, September 18th at 2:30pm

*2LQ are totally okay if you come out to both shows!!

Both shows are inclusive improvised comedy created live on the spot, based on audience suggestions. '2LiveQueers' stars stage & screen veterans Tony Babcock, he/him (Netflix, Improv Olympic Los Angeles) & Amy Wilding they/them (Vancouver Theatresports, Queerprov).

Your face will hurt from laughter, as 2LQ invents characters, locations & situations before your very eyes; utilizing your ideas, quick wit, and an abnormally large selection of wigs and hats! They are live and they are Queer!

THEY can't wait to make YOU laugh all weekend long!
