33. Creeps and Chills: Griplit and the Movies
Elisabeth de Mariaffi
Iain Reid
Nathan Ripley
Moderator Marc Garniss


Movie-worthy suspense and atmosphere, plot twists, and characters that will keep you awake at night and just give you the icks, from authors Nathan Ripley, Iain Reid, and Elisabeth de Mariaffi. Join Kingston Canadian Film Festival director Marc Garniss, as he gets the inside track on the growth of griplit as a genre and how easily it lends itself to adaptation for TV or film and finds out how perfectly nice people can write such perfectly scary stuff!


Event sponsor: Chris James
A co-presentation of Kingston WritersFest and Kingston Canadian Film Festival


Saturday, September 29, 2018
2:00 - 3:30 pm

Creeps and Chills: Griplit and the Movies
Creeps and Chills: Griplit and the Movies

Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances

Adults - $20 plus handling fee; Seniors - $18 plus handling fee