Friday, July 7
“Yola’s Mythical Adventures” by Michelle McNichol
Today is an exciting day for Yola as she joins her grandfather on a memorable adventure. Papi has a delightful tradition of taking each grandchild on a unique adventure when they turn ten. Now it is Yola’s turn. She wants to see a windmill, up close and personal. During their journey, Papi shares with her some of the fascinating myths and legends he’s gathered from his own travels.
“Light of a New Don” by Jacob Smith
Prompted by circumstances outside of his control, a man em-barks on a journey of discovery into an unfamiliar world.
Saturday, July 8
“The Meat TV Reunion Special” by Harry Jordan
Thrilla Magrilla, famous TV cooking mogul is dead. Very dead. Most seriously and profoundly dead. Dead of the most unnatural causes. But who might want him dead? Follow the clues….if you dare.
“Coming to the Table” by Anne-Marie Bergman
One night, at a quiet local diner, a woman delves into one of her dreams.
Domino Theatre, The Davies Foundation Auditorium, 52 Church St.
52 Church Street
Kingston ON K7L 4X8