This is not a Grand Theatre Presents performance.


Bottle Tree Productions presents:

by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, Ed Howard
Directed by: Amie Bello
Mike Bullett and Sean Roberts

It's Christmas time in Tuna, the third-smallest town in Texas, and radio station OKKK is abuzz with local Yule Tide news and personalities. Kingston actors, Mike Bullett and Sean Roberts, reprise their roles from Greater Tuna as Thurston Wheelis and Arles Struvie-along with some old friends and new! In the news: Joe Bob Lipsey's production of A Christmas Carol is in jeopardy, there is hot competition for the annual lawn display contest, and UFOs continue to taunt R.R. Snively.

Come out for a belly laugh and bring your friends. There is no place warmer at Christmas than the little town of Tuna, Texas.

Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

Performing at the Grand Theatre, in the Baby Grand

Tickets are:

Adults - $ 26.75 plus HST and handling fee

Students/Seniors - $23.75 plus HST and handling fee


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