This is not a Grand Theatre Presents performance.
Single Thread Theatre presents
Part of the 2016 Kick & Push Festival
Created and Directed by Liam Karry
One of our hit productions from 2015 returns!
On December 1st 1919, theatre tycoon and self-made millionaire Ambrose Small sold all of his theatres at a profit of 1.7 million. The next day, he disappeared and his body was never recovered. The mystery surrounding the true-story disappearance of Ambrose Small is explored as audiences go behind the curtains of one of his former properties: the Grand Theatre.
This performance is site-specific, meaning that it is developed uniquely for the various spaces inside the Grand Theatre. The audience is guided through the backstage and dark recesses of the Grand as they are immersed in the world of the story. This production is 60 minutes in length with a reception after each performance in the Davies Lounge.
Warningthis production involves standing and movement
Warningthis production is not accessible
The Grand Theatre is not responsible for personal items brought to the show and recording of any kind (photography, video, sound) is strictly prohibited.
Please note, this performance is not accessible to patrons with mobility issues or visual impairment.
Performing in various location within the Grand Theatre
Tickets are $25.00 plus handling fee