EEN is a memory play written by Rosemary Doyle. It follows the journey of a college age girl to Ireland to meet her maternal grandmother for the first time. During the play we learn of the secrets of four generations of this family and the reasons that their lives have gone the way they have. This play stars Caroline Hetherington, who while in her eighties is still fifteen years too young for one of the characters she plays. EEN is directed by Liam Karry.

Buy a ticket to all 5 productions (Welcome to My Underworld, Happy Days, Peggy's Song, EEN & Mystery Event), put them in your cart and apply the 5 AND SAVE price point to receive the Subscription Membership rate!

EEN, a reading
EEN, a reading

Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances

$35 Regular, $18 Arts Worker/Student - plus HST and handling fee