This is not a Grand Theatre Presents event.
Presented by Bottle Tree Productions.
"Ghost of the Tree is an ingeniously conceived, poignant, engaging and thoroughly entertaining meditation on time, motherhood and the choices that shape our lives and the lives of those that succeed us." ~David Prosser, Director of Communications Stratford Shakespeare Festival
"Ghost of the Tree is a winner from beginning to end, and the star is Hannah Smith. Thanks to strong writing, direction and fellow performers, she shines and makes each and every one of her characters alive and engaging." ~ Valerie Cardinal, Onstage Magazine
Ghost of the Tree
by Charles Robertson
Starring: Hannah Smith, Anne-Marie Bergman and Darrell Bryan
Original music by Darrell Bryan
Ghost of the Tree is a powerful and emotionally charged story of seven generations of women in a cursed family. The play opens with a pregnant homeless girl who has returned to the family home to find it empty. She is in desperate circumstances, needing comfort and support, but finding only ghosts. Her story is the culmination of the generations of women who inhabited this house: women whose stories we learn as time is unravelled, and history falls into place.
Hannah Smith gives a tour-de-force performance as The Girl, presenting each character in her own time period, thematically linked by their relationships (mother to daughter) and by their physical state of being pregnant for the first time. She is joined on stage by the impeccable Anne-Marie Bergman, as The Ghost: a figure who helps the story along, sometimes acting as a participant, sometimes a scene-setter, sometimes a spirit. Darrell Bryan plays his original score as The Musician, adding to the flow and power of the piece, and at times stepping in as a player in the scene.
Artistically, Ghost of the Tree shows what the bare bones of good theatre is - brilliant writing, excellent acting, and no distractions. It is pared down to its roots, and it delivers. This will be the first time that this powerful play has been performed in its entirety. Previously, it has been a festival showcase, and has had at least one character cut to run in time. We offer you the full play, all seven women's stories, uninterrupted.
Bottle Tree Productions invites you to help celebrate the beginning of our tenth year with the show that started our company--Ghost of the Tree--Charles Robertson's acclaimed play about mothers, daughters, and family secrets. Won't you join us to celebrate our Company's 10th Anniversary with this magical piece that has touched the hearts of thousands of people across the globe?
Performing in the Regina Rosen Auditorium, Grand Theatre.
Adult $33.75 plus HST & handling fee
Student/Senior $28.75 plus HST & handling fee
ALL BALCONY $28.75 plus HST & handling fee