This is not a Grand Theatre Presents performance.
Return Performance - 25 Years Later
My career as a musician began at the age of fifteen after working for the winter and buying my first guitar from Eaton's Canada in North Bay, ON.
At the age of twenty one I auditioned for a Juno as "Best Upcoming Artist" with Laural Patterson of CBC Canada. I came in second. Later that same year, I was accepted for a government sponsored tour and was chosen with thirty three other upcoming musicians for a six week tour of Ontario in 1972. The tour was called "Summer Sounds '72". We played at such venues as Ontario Place, Toronto, the National Arts Centre, Ottawa and every other town across Ontario.
From that point on I have continued to perform at many different venues such as: Canada's Rob Roy Lounge in Banff Springs, Alberta, the Waterfront Festival in Cobourg, Ontario, the La Tea Da Caf in Rutherglen, Ontario, The Korner Pub in Scarborough, Ontario, Twigg's Coffee Shop in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, and Maple Leaf Tavern, Niagara Falls.
In the last several years I have been able to accomplish the completion of three CD's of original music and songs, mostly about my life experiences and about the negative and positive sides of my life. My latest CD called "Whisper's" was composed for the special people who have made a different in my life. People who have influenced me to see and feel the beautiful side of life where love, compassion and understanding are a very important part of life.
I only hope through song and music I can touch and have everyone understand and feel how beautiful life can be. Also, to remember some of the important moments in your life.
Performing in the Baby Grand, within the Grand Theatre
Tickets are $25.00 plus HST and handling fee.