Mandel returns to his roots in comedy in this one man show that opens the 2015-16 Grand Theatre Presents season. A talented comedian, actor, television host and voice actor, this Toronto native is well known as host of the NBC game show Deal or No Deal, as well as the show's daytime and Canadian-English counterparts. Before his career as a game show host, Mandel was best known for his role as rowdy ER intern Dr. Wayne Fiscus on the NBC medical drama St. Elsewhere. He is also the creator and star of the children's cartoon Bobby's World. Mandel became a judge on NBC's America's Got Talent, replacing David Hasselhoff, in the fifth season of the reality talent contest. 

WARNING: Comedy performances may contain mature content.

Comedy Underwriter: Sun Life Financial
Performance Sponsor: Bergeron Clifford LLP

Performing in the Regina Rosen Auditorium, Grand Theatre.

Tickets are $74.50 plus HST & handling fee, upper balcony seating is $64.50 plus HST & handling fee.

Opening for Howie will be John Mendoza.

Performance is approximately 90 mins, no intermission.