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Dina Gilbert, Guest Conductor

Rossini: Overture to La scala di seta
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 1
Brahms: Symphony No. 3

One of the most fascinating aspects of orchestral music is that much of it has survived for centuries. This music never goes out of style and today’s program includes works by three composers who define the word “classic.” Led by Maestra Dina Gilbert, the orchestra performs works by some of the most celebrated composers, from an overture by Rossini to symphonies by Mendelssohn and Brahms.

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Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances

Adults - A Sec $50/B Sec $39/C Sec $27; Seniors - A Sec $47/B Sec $35/C Sec $25; Students - A Sec $25/B Sec $20/C Sec $15; Children - $10 Plus HST and Handling Fee

A Kingston Symphony Performance