The scene is set in 1972, the year prohibition was repealed (yes, 1972!) in the small, working-class city of Owen Sound—a town that has seen better days but which is still full of rough-around-the-edges dynamism. We follow our hapless narrator as he licks his wounds after a doomed love with a truly remarkable woman burdened with an angel’s wings. The story is at once wrenching yet full of dry humour, as the tough narrator's defences get broken down and his hard-boiled comments get replaced by sublime pathos.
Content Warnings - Alcohol use is depicted; intravenous drug use, domestic violence, self-harm, and overdose are implied.
The Chown Parking garage, located directly behind Kingston Grand off Brock Street will be closed starting Friday August 4th at 4:00pm and reopen on Tuesday August 8th.
Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances
- Thursday, August 3, 20235:00PMFinished
- Friday, August 4, 20238:20PMFinished
- Saturday, August 5, 20237:00PMFinished
- Sunday, August 6, 20231:40PMFinished
- Monday, August 7, 20235:00PMFinished
- Tuesday, August 8, 20237:00PMFinished
- Wednesday, August 9, 20233:20PMFinished
- Thursday, August 10, 20238:40PMFinished