Award winning comedian Ron James has been selling out theatres for 15 years, with his marathon, side-splitting, kinetically-charged performances. Marshalling a comedian's eye for satire and a writer's ear for language, Ron takes his audience on a two-hour, non-stop roller coaster ride, cutting a wide swath through contemporary culture with a razor sharp wit, uncompromising standards and a unique, poetically honed delivery.

With six critically acclaimed one-hour comedy specials under his belt and five seasons starring in the aptly named "The Ron James Show," Ron James is back doing what he does best: delivering laughs face to face and coast to coast, with a patented, poetically-charged, performance of brand new material.

'A man of a million words and a million laughs' The Globe & Mail

'...simply the best' Toronto Sun

'...cleverly, hysterically funny' Toronto Star

 WARNING: Comedy performances may contain mature content.

Performing in the Regina Rosen Auditorium, Grand Theatre

Tickets are $49.50 plus HST and handling fee per person

Comedy Underwriter: Sun Life Financial    


Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances