

Produced by ReflexCollective

60 minutes

A part of Theatre Kingston'sStorefront Fringe Festival (July 20-28)

Venue: 274 Princess Street, Downtown Kingston

Performance times:

Friday July 20 @ 10PM

Sunday July 22 @ 5:30PM

Wednesday July 25 @ 5:30PM

Thursday July 26 @ 8PM

Friday July 27 @ 10PM

Saturday July 28 @ 3:30PM

Tickets: $10 + fees + $3 Fringe Pin (available at the venue)

Director: Kyle Holleran

Assistant Director: Lizzie Moffatt

Production Coordinator/Stage Manager: Julia Dickson

Production Assistant: Iris Robinson

Graphic Designer: Miranda Ramnares

Collaborators: Maureen Barnes, Dhanish Chinniah,Jefferson Chuong, Cristina Goncalves, Kristen Kim,

Mark Lazaro, Amanda Lin, Blair Macmillan, TaylorVardy, Sam Woods

Rapid technological advances and the widespread integrationof social media into our daily lives have created conditions where we can record, upload andshare experiences faster and farther than ever before - but at what cost? Information overload and the monetization of ourattention contribute heavily to the touchstone experience of 'millenials' everywhere:uncertainty. Rupture is a movement based investigation into our increasingly digital sociallandscape, intertwining personal narrative with passionate response to the current political and economic stateof affairs. We ask: are people just workers, consumers and competitors? Or are they human beings?