Suspicious Activity
Produced by Made in August
60 minutes

A part of Theatre Kingston's Storefront Fringe Festival

Venue: Venue # 1, 314 Bagot St in downtown Kingston

Playwright: Tabia Lau
Featuring: Tabia Lau, Lauren Maykut, Leah Sutton, Crissy Voinov
Stage Manager: Fiona Ross

Jess believes in her job as a humble patrol officer, while her roommate Tennessee just wants a job. Any job. Their friend Winona thinks shes solved the Problem of the Millennial with hard work, and cant wait until shes 50 and retired in Florida. These friends lives and friendship are shaken, however, when they encounter the mysterious and sexy Mary, who above all else, believes in fate. A fast and loose LGBT adaptation of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice, Suspicious Activity is a play about friends, lovers, and a little bit of beer pong.

Suspicious activity

Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances

$10 + fees + $3 Fringe Pin (available at the venue)