Driftwood Theatre Group
The Bards Bus Tour
The Taming of the Shrew,
by William Shakespeare

Part of the Kick & Push Festival

Kingston Stop: Springer Market Square

All performances begin at 7:30pm.
All performances Pay What You Can admission (suggested: $20/person)

Tickets available at the Grand Theatre Box Office are for the $20 Reserved Seating ticket plus handling fee, all other tickets are pay what you can on site. If you'd like more information on reserved seating please contact:

844-601-8057 (toll free) or www.driftwoodtheatre.com/bards-bus-tour

Like, hop in your DeLorean and travel back in time with Driftwood Theatre to the totally awesome 1980s. When cool dude Petruchio meets Kate, the queen of mean, sparks fly in Shakespeare's controversial romantic comedy, The Taming of the Shrew. This most epic battle of the sexes will entertain audiences of all ages in this summer's outdoor theatre production.

Website and Social Media:
Website: www.driftwoodtheatre.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DriftwoodTheatre
Twitter: www.twitter.com/DriftwoodTheatr (thats right, no e)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/driftwoodtheatre

Hashtags: #bardsbustour #loveisabattlefield

What is the Kick & Push Festival?
The Kick & Push Festival creates a new style of summer theatre in Canada by producing and presenting engaging events that challenge an audience to go beyond simply being passive observers. The KP is a new summer experience that offers innovative theatre not to compete with existing summer theatre but to expand upon the strong offerings of theatre in our area. Formed in 2015, this is the second year of the festival, providing innovative theatre experiences from July 15- August 13.
For more information on the festival please visit www.thekickandpush.com or follow us on social media @thekickandpush

Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances