Pay What You Want Performance

Pay What You Want is a new program for our 2022-23 Grand OnStage season. 2 unique professional performances can be attended by simply booking your free ticket online, by phone 613-530-2050 or in person at Kingston Grand Theatre 208 Princess St., Kingston ON K7L 1B2.  All we encourage is that you consider a voluntary payment upon exiting the theatre that reflects your experience that evening.

These professional presentations offer extremely relevant social issues based work that are reflective of the City of Kingston’s Indigenous reconciliation and sustainability priorities. The Grand OnStage is removing any financial barrier, as we want to encourage as many patrons to experience these works.

Treaty: A Reconciliation Revelry takes viewers on a journey of varied experiences that lead Canadians through stories of encounter and conflict to resolution, landing on uplifting notes of recognition, understanding, and respect.

The programs stories and messages, conveyed through video, narrative, and music, are situated in the realm of contemporary issues and events, but provide audiences with historical context for understanding Indigenous experiences and Indigenous realities today. Brief film segments featuring Indigenous and Canadian leaders in civil society, education, culture, and the arts speak to the themes identified by a list of definitions of select words, thereby building a story that seeks to pave the way forward for Truth and Reconciliation.
Generating the energy that sustains the production is an ensemble of renowned and award-winning Indigenous and allied musicians. They perform a list of carefully curated songs, many that are known and popular to audiences, that correspond to the sentiments expressed about the word definitions.

Through this engaging concert, TREATY: A Reconciliation Revelry seeks to focus public attention on Indigenous contributions to Canada writ large and their struggle to have appropriate acknowledgement embedded within the conscience of the country.

* Pay What You Want allows you to attend the performance at no charge and remit a voluntary amount after the show based on your experience.

Resident company
performers under a banner stating treaty
Treaty: A Reconciliation Revelry

Ticket Prices & Upcoming Performances

* Pay What You Want

A Grand OnStage presents Performance