If you are looking to view the event online, access tickets can be purchased here: https://www.kingstongrand.ca/events/vogue-charity-fashion-show-online-2023

two models in beige, hand in hand walking in a green field
Vogue Charity Fashion Show - Saw You in A Dream

Step into a world that only dreams are made of, a dimension of endless possibility and a place where even the sky is not the limit. What dreams may come when we surrender to sleep? What are we capable of when reality is left behind? These are the questions you will encounter as Saw You in a Dream unfolds. In a society where everything must have a reason and harsh realities are the norm,take some time to practice the art of escapism. Tap into your higher self and explore the most creative depths of your mind. Often it is when we disconnect that we can discover who we are as humans, and strengthen the bonds we have with our inner beings.

Highly anticipated by both Queens University students and the Kingston community, Vogue Charity Fashion Show (VCFS) is an annual performing arts show produced and executed entirely by students at Queens University. 26 years in the making, VCFS is one of the largest student run fashion shows in all of Canada and has become the largest student run club on campus.

VCFS is extremely proud to be able to give back through its creativity and philanthropy, and we are eager to be able to do it again this year by donating all proceeds to PATHWAYS TO EDUCATION KINGSTON.

This year's show is comprised of over 160 talented and passionate dancers, models, choreographers, student designers,musicians, artists, and a dedicated executive committee. Our team has worked diligently to create the world of Saw You In A Dream.
